• May 16: Field Trip to EHS to see Anastasia @ 9:15-10:45am.

  • May 17-May 23: Artist and Residence~Circus

  • May 23: Circus Performance @ Fleming School, 6:00pm

  • June 3: Breakfast and Books. 7:30-8:15am

  • June 5: Field Trip to Brownell Library, 8:15-10:45am

  • June 11: Field Trip to Maple Street Park

  • June 14 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (1/2 Day)

Never smile at a monkey






109 Power Words

Breakfast and Snack

Upon arrival, students start their day with breakfast in the classroom, whether it's from our school cafeteria or brought from home. Students enjoy this time as they connect with friends, check in with the teacher and gear up for the day ahead.

While most students enjoy breakfast and can wait to have another meal at lunchtime around 11:20, there are instances where hunger strikes before or after lunch but before the school day concludes.

To support those moments, I've happily been making weekly Costco runs to ensure students have access to a little extra snack if needed. With spring almost in full swing, I've noticed more students feeling hungry outside of the regular breakfast and lunch hours. As an optional suggestion, if you usually pack breakfast or lunch for your child, consider including a small additional snack to keep their energy levels up throughout the day.

Creature Features

Exciting news from our classroom! We have been exploring animals and their awesome and unique features. It's been amazing to see how curious and enthusiastic the kids are as they learn about each animal's special features.

Our classroom is a center of exploration, with students diving into lots of reading and research to deepen their understanding of the animals and their features.  It's impressive to see how much they've learned and how well they're putting that knowledge into writing informative paragraphs based on their research.

Take a moment to read through and enjoy one of the amazing books our students have written about their animal discoveries. Each page is packed with fascinating facts and awesome illustrations that the kids have created themselves. We'd love for you to take a moment to check out our book and join in on the fun of learning about animals with us!


Over the next few weeks we will be taking extra time to focus on acts of kindness. Each day students will have an opportunity to participate in a KINDNESS MISSION. This mission will be explained each morning and students will have the day to complete their mission. Missions may include such things as holding the door for someone, complimenting someone's artwork, asking how someone is feeling, smiling at someone in the hallway, etc.... For every completed mission the class will earn a Kindness Link toward our pizza party and each student will earn an Integrity dollar! Check back frequently to see what our daily Kindness Missions are.

Have a Wonderful Winter Break!


Experiencing Math ~~ Real World Style

I have assumed the role of an employer, and your children are now my employees in our engaging classroom exploration of place value themed around Integrity. Throughout the day, students have the opportunity to earn Integrity cash by working as a responsible and respectful 1st grader. Take a moment to review the menu to discover the potential earnings for your child. Our currency is in denominations of 1s, 10s, and 100s. Every Friday morning, students will pay a visit to our "bank" to ensure compliance with the “math law,” preventing them from having more than nine bills of any denomination. Should they exceed this limit, they will be required to exchange their excess bills for a different denomination. Additionally, we will be hosting a "store" within the classroom on a weekly basis (for now; this may transition to a monthly setup). This store provides students with the opportunity to spend their hard-earned cash. It's worth noting that many of the menu items and their corresponding dollar amounts, including fines, were suggested by the students themselves. This initiative is designed to be both educational and enjoyable! Beyond delving into place value, students are gaining valuable lessons in responsibility, goal setting, delayed gratification, understanding the consequences of their actions, honing decision-making skills, and laying the foundation for financial literacy. This dynamic approach ensures that learning is not only informative but also a fun and interactive experience for all involved!


We are learning about the adventures of Jane Goodall through reading, observations, tableau's and sharing our thoughts with each other.

Look at some of the ways we interact with math!

February 16. 2024

The kiddos are tired, but it sure was fun!

Thank you to everyone for sending your children to school with the proper equipment and a special shout out to those of you that could help out.

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Kids Skating

Stranger Danger

January 19, 2024

Dear First Grade Families,

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to provide you with important information following Superintendent Beth Cobbs' email from last week. Following Mrs. Grykien's advice, our first-grade class engaged in a significant discussion, and I wanted to provide you with a brief overview.

This morning, our first-grade class initiated a thoughtful discussion on the topic of stranger danger, using a song and video as a starting point. We explored the concept that while most people are good, there are instances when individuals may have harmful intentions and attempt to trick us. Our conversation included identifying who qualifies as a stranger and discussed how a stranger might disguise themselves, including as police officers or firefighters.

Throughout the conversation, we shared ideas on appropriate responses if approached by a stranger and also discussed how to handle interactions with police officers. **(We talked about how a police officer would never ask them to go anywhere without their grownup). The children actively participated in the discussion, raising numerous questions and exploring hypothetical scenarios throughout the day.

As this conversation may prompt questions or curiosity at home, I want to encourage you to engage in further dialogue with your child and address any questions or concerns they may have.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any follow up questions or concerns you may have. Our partnership is invaluable, and together, we can ensure a safe and supportive community for your children.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Warm regards,


The morning of January 26th, you will be able to view your child’s progress report through your parent PowerSchool login. A paper copy will not be sent home unless a request is made through the main office.

Information about PowerSchool Portal (including how to set up an account)

You can watch this short video All about EWSD Progress Reports in PowerSchool  that will help you understand the report. 

Help our classroom maintain a healthy learning environment.

Handwashing: Stress the importance of thorough hand washing to your child, encouraging regular handwashing, especially before meals and after using the restroom.

Avoiding Touching Face: Remind your child to keep their fingers away from their mouth, nose and eyes, as this simple habit can help reduce the transmission of germs.

Proper Tissue Use and Disposal: Teach your child the significance of using a tissue when blowing their nose (ensuring they know how to do so) rather than using their sleeve or other surfaces. Emphasize the prompt disposal of used tissues, as this practice plays a critical role in preventing the spread of illnesses within the classroom.

January 19th

This week we began to discuss the structure of Informative Writing. While reading two of Aesop's Fables, The Ants & the Grasshopper and The Hare and the Tortoise, students used what they know about ants, grasshoppers, hares and tortoises to orally:

  1. Name the topic.

  2. Provide details about their topic.

  3. Wrap up their writing with a concluding sentence.

Informative Writing


Ants have really good smell.

They can tell each other apart with their smell.

Ants find food when other ants leave a scent.

Smell lets ants know when there is danger.

Ants have good smell.


Happy New Year!

Books Change Lives!

Upon our return from winter break, we have dedicated some of our time to perfecting our Little Libraries. We are eager to place these charming book havens on the school grounds once the ground thaws. The diligent efforts put into these libraries reflect the students’ commitment to fostering their own love of reading along with the larger school community. As the final touches are delicately applied, we eagerly anticipate the day when these literary gems become accessible to all, adding a touch of literary magic to our educational landscape.

Scientists at Work

Over the past few weeks, our class has delved into the realm of hands-on science, engaging in the fascinating world of Animal Superpowers, and it has been a blast! We kicked things off with a deep dive into Animal Superpowers, setting the stage for our upcoming literacy adventure called Creature Features. The students were like little scientists, digging into how animals' outside traits play a crucial role in keeping them alive and thriving. We also turned our attention to the family dynamics of the animal kingdom, observing parents and their offspring to understand their similarities and the behaviors that help the little ones survive. As we transition into the Creature Features unit, the excitement of unraveling the unique features of various animals continues to fuel our curiosity and passion for learning.


Currently, students are busily honing their skills in addition and subtraction facts. The focus is not only on rote memorization but also on understanding the magnitude of numbers. Through hands-on activities and engaging exercises, students are gaining a deeper comprehension of numerical values and how they relate to one another. This approach ensures a well-rounded grasp of mathematical concepts, empowering students to not only perform calculations but also comprehend the significance and scale of numbers in various contexts. As they navigate this mathematical journey, students are building a strong foundation for more advanced concepts in the realm of mathematics.

Our Hand-to-Hand Sale was a HUGE success!

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Hello Families,

I hope your child had a great snow day today!  

Wednesday is our Hand to Hand Sale.  We will spend the first part of the morning "selling" items to other students, and then later in the morning we will have an opportunity to shop for items as gifts for others.  You may want to help your child create a list of people to shop for.  Generally, students are able to get 10 items.  

Wednesday afternoon we will wrap our gifts.  To help with this, we could use the following items here at school:

  1.  Wrapping paper of any kind, (birthday, generic, holiday, etc..) partial rolls are fine 

  2.   Clear tape.  1st graders go through quite a bit of tape when wrapping gifts.

  3.   Gift tags.  We have 14 students and each child will have 10 gifts.  That's a lot of tags.  Again, this can be partial rolls/sheets.

  4.   Gift Bags, for those awkward shaped items.

  5.   Tissue Paper, for those fragile items.

Also, it is helpful if your child comes to school with a sturdy, reusable bag to keep their items in.  

I know this is short notice.  The week really snuck up on me!

Thank you,


It is that time of year again…

Time for the Hand-to-Hand Sale!

    We are excited to announce the approach of our upcoming Hand-to-Hand Sale! This annual Hiawatha event has become a cherished tradition in which our entire community comes together to support our local food shelf while having a little fun in the process. In preparation for the sale, we invite families to send in small, well-cared for, unwanted items. These items will be sorted and on the day of the sale, students will be able to shop for special gifts and treasures for themselves and others. We will be collecting items now through Wednesday, December 6th. Donations can be brought to the front office or left in your child’s classroom. 

     The Hand-to-Hand sale will take place on Wednesday, December 13th. Throughout the morning, classrooms will rotate through the sale so students can select their special items. Individual classrooms may invite their students to wrap their items as gifts if they desire. 

     Like last year, students will be “purchasing” their items with a donation of 1-2 nonperishable items for our local food shelf, The Heavenly Pantry. Food items will be collected in students’ classrooms the week of December 4th and delivered to the pantry the following week. We understand that not all families will be able to contribute. That is okay! All children will be able to shop the sale regardless of whether or not they have brought in a nonperishable donation.

This year we will also be accepting monetary donations so that the first graders can visit Hannaford themselves to shop for select items for The Heavenly Pantry. Students will be shopping for items identified by the pantry as in high need. We have found the act of shopping for others and delivering the items directly to the pantry to be very impactful. Monetary donations can be brought to the main office or left in your child’s classroom. Please place the money in a labeled envelope

Thank you for sending in your donations in the upcoming weeks! We truly appreciate your support in making this special event a success. 

~The First Grade Team~


Starting on Monday, December 4th we will be collecting bottles and cans during drop-off and pick-up to raise money for the first graders to shop at Hannaford. Our annual shopping trip provides students with the opportunity to shop and purchase food for others. After shopping, the first graders will drop their purchases off at the Heavenly Pantry and learn a little bit about how the Pantry supports our community. Consider sending your redeemable bottles and cans our way to help support this special experience of giving. We will be collecting bottles through Friday, December 8th.   

Take a look at these scholars!

Nov. 17

First-grade mathematicians in action! These mathematicians are hard at work becoming proficient with addition and subtraction facts at our math stations.

To the top right, students are enjoying "bowling" to practice subtraction from 10. They "bowled" by tossing a beanbag into the pyramid of cups, then wrote an equation to determine how many cups remained upright.

To the bottom right, students created an ocean for a dolphin to move along a number line. This helped support them as they were learning to use a number line to model subtraction.

Winter Penguin

Nov. 10

Winter is here! Please make sure your child is prepared for winter with a hat, boots, mittens, snow pants and a winter coat. Additionally, please ensure your child has shoes for the school day. Staying in boots all day gets hot and uncomfortable.

If you need assistance in acquiring any of these items, please reach out to myself, Mrs. Grykien or Nurse Reyna.

If your child would like, they are able to keep a pair of shoes, snow pants, etc.. here at school.

We've been actively exploring global practices for accessing books and, as part of this investigation, your child has been crafting illustrations to adorn the exterior of a My Little Library. In the weeks ahead, students will bring these illustrations to life by painting them onto our library boxes!


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Oct. 27

Hard at Work

Oct. 19

Notice, Think, Wonder!


Students created their first Padlet today! To do so they first had to respond to three prompts on their slide in a Google slide deck. Next they had to copy their response, follow a link to a Padlet, then paste in their information. Next, they took a selfie and added it to their post.

Oct. 17

Look What We Found in the Field!


Oct. 13

Every educator will tell you it takes 6-8 weeks for a class to truly gel together. This week I witnessed it. These kiddos are really comfortable playing together and learning from one another. Our week was full of art creations, learning partners of 10 through math stations and practicing that life long skill of card house building!

Art Creations,

Math Stations,

Card Houses, and a puzzle.

Oct. 2

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We have been reading "Waiting for the Biblioburro" during our literacy time. Students have been learning about Story Elements and how to use them to help retell a story. We decided retelling is much more fun when you have props. Students made paper puppets of the main character, Ana, and Biblioburro, (the traveling library).


Puzzle Mania!

Celebrating 100 B's with Sidewalk Chalk Fun!


Sept. 29

With the weather turning crisp and the leaves starting to fall, I like to take the onset of October to reflect on the start of the school year.

As I reflect on the first few weeks of school, it's truly remarkable to witness the growth and transformation your young learners have undergone. From the first day when hesitant smiles graced their faces to now, where confidence and curiosity radiate in their eyes, it's been an inspiring journey. In these early weeks, your first grader has not only embraced foundational academic skills but also fostered friendships that will undoubtedly flourish throughout the year. They've learned the value of patience, resilience, and collaboration, which are essential life skills. It's heartwarming to see them gain confidence in their abilities and take pride in their achievements as they delve into the world of reading, writing, and mathematics. As we continue this exciting adventure, let's celebrate the growth we've witnessed and look forward to the countless discoveries yet to come. Thank you for entrusting me with your precious child; it's a privilege to be part of their educational journey.

Peer Tutoring in Action!

The kiddos are amazing at this. They help each other learn, take turns and encourage each other!

Mini Me

It was so nice seeing so many of you at Open House!

Math Mania!

Students are exploring numeration concepts through math stations. They practice 10 and more, counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, and also get some visual perception practice with tangrams!

Sept. 21

Along with having time to enjoy playing with our classmates, we spent time practicing sitting with a partner for "think, pair, share", working on tally marks and writing in our literacy journals!

Your kiddos have come a long way in such a short time! They are AMAZING!

And we can have a little fun sometimes...

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recess fun

September 15

The kiddos sure to like playing together!

We completed our first full week of school. Your children will be tired this weekend!

This week we practiced lower case letter formation, counting to 100 and making combinations for 5 and 10. We learned about Listening Larry and earned bees when we had whole body listening.

September 14

Students engaged in a Socratic Seminar today while discussing the book "Wild About Books"

Check out our smiles and focus!





September 8

We survived a very hot week of school. Your children were troopers. We had a busy week and I’m sure you have very tired children! Everyone has been working hard to learn our classroom routines and to build up their stamina for academic work. Getting back into “school mode” after a long summer break is tough but everyone is doing a great job!

In your child’s Friday Folder you will find a packet of information regarding our first unit in phonics. Within the packet, you’ll find some OPTIONAL homework opportunities for your child. These activities do not need to be brought back to school. They are simply there if you’d like to do them with your child for a little extra practice. Please let me know if you have any questions.

How many twin popsicles do you need for 18 children? How many popsicle sticks would that be?

Math Problem

September 1

The first week of school was a busy one. Students connected with old friends and made new ones. They were busy playing games of Top-It, exploring with Poly Pockets and building puzzles. We discussed our updated school rules, BE KIND, BE SAFE and BE CURIOUS! We also practiced talking with our noise level chart! Be sure to ask you child all about their first week!

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Mrs. Harvey

Karen Harvey
First Grade
Hiawatha Elementary

Avatar Class