Hogwarts Team Monthly Challenges and Scores


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Bern shield

(first semester) - Bern - 171   Gryffin - 204  Ramsay - 185   Tudour - 206
(second semester) -  Bern - 80    Gryffin - 79    Ramsay - 60     Tudour - 89

Congratulations to Bern House - winner of the 2022 House Cup!

2020-2021 :
Congratulations to Gryffin House as this year's HogwartsCup Winners - their second consecutive house cup win! 

2021 - 2022:
Congratulations to Bern House - Quidditch Champions for this school year.

 History of House Cup finishes:

House Cup not yet given - 2006, 2007,2008

Bern House 2011, 2012, 2022

Gryffin House 2010, 2015, 2020, 2021

Norfolk House (retired) 2009

Nunavut House (retired) none

Ramsay House 2014, 2016, 2019

Tudour House 2013, 2017, 2018

Final House Results - School Year 2020-2021

Gryffin House 154  Ramsay House - 140  Tudour House - 139  Bern House - 132

Final House Results - School Year 2018-2019

Ramsay House - 840 Gryffin House - 747  Tudour House -  644 Bern House - 638

 Final House Results - School Year 2017-2018

Tudour House - 921* Gryffin House - 850   Ramsay House - 768 Bern House - 706 

* highest ever recorded score

Arms of Norfolk


Retired  Houses: Norfolk House & Nunavut House


September Activities:  Albus Dumbledore's House-Naming Ceremony.  Which house will you be sorted into?  Only the Sorting Hat knows!  Brothers and sisters are sometimes sorted into the same house, but it is just as likely that you will be in a different house altogether.  What we know from the history of the school is that all four houses (and one that ceased) have won the house cup on more than one occasion, so there is no reason to believe that your house will be anything but champions for 2022 - 2023! (Bern House won last year after a 10-year passing between victories!) One curious belief is that Westford Hogwarts houses are really code-names for the Hogwarts houses in Harry Potter...Sorry, not so! Those houses are based on what we currently use. During this ceremony, we will also be re-introduced our prefects (house leader) and Scouts (2nd officer) for the houses.  The Scout stands in for the perfect when activities require leadership when the group leader is absent.  Scouts also are house organizers, assisting in the prefect's work. You will have to sit in a special chair and put a really ugly sorting hat on your head for a few seconds, but it's all good fun, and everyone cheers for participants. This is a non-scored activity.

*If Covid precautions allow, we'll move to the playground area where our new houses will work together to perform Severus Snapes Dragon Dance. The origin of this activity can be found on the earlier webpage. It's an interesting story showing another side to Severus Snape's personality. The Dragon Dance requires the entire team of 40 students to work together. If this happens an amazing (and fun) result happens. This is a non-scored activity.

The Four-House Social Contract Parliament - Our newly made houses work collaboratively to create a document of essential expectations. We want to have a document that we all agree to, is only a few items, and serves to assist the 44+ members of our team to succeed. When we have the final version of this document, you will each be asked to sign it. These will be displayed in both classrooms as well as on the Hogwarts bulletin board outside room 105.

 October Activity: Professor Lockheart's "Honeydukes Express" cart Lady Trolley Project - One of the first things to happen on the Hogwarts Express that develops the friendship between Ron Weasley and Harry Potter is when the Honeydukes trolley lady (she began working on the train in 1830) offers sweets off the cart. Harry has recently been to his vault at Gringot's Bank and has plenty of knuts and sickles to buy these...and he senses that Ron does not have the same situation. Our challenge this month is to create imaginary Honeyduke candy forms for our bulletin board for our trip aboard the Hogwarts Express. We will have examples from previous years for you to see. Part of the fun is coming up with the best name for your invention!

Dobie's Stinky-stocking Rock, Paper, Scissors Challenge - Many Hogwarts members know that Dobie gained his freedom when his cruel master accidentally gave him a piece of clothing (in this case, a sock or stocking). In this monthly challenge, you have to negotiate your way through a number of "best of 3" challenges to win the challenge. If you lose in the opening round, there will be a consolation bracket worth fewer points - so start practicing which of the three symbols you think is a winning combination for moving on deeper into the challenge.  This will be the standard 15, 10, 8, and 5 point contest. Our scheduled day for this competition will be 28 October.

November Activities: Professor Magonagall's House Spirit Cheer Hoo-Ha- Show your house's team spirit by inventing and performing team cheers that last from 5 - 15 seconds in length. Team cheers require a minimum of 4 house members in each cheer (though you can have all 10-11 people too.) Teams can have 1 - 2 cheers. This is a competition with points at stake.

 December Activity:  Sybil Trelawney's Bartering Bonanza: Gaze into Professor Trelawney's tea cup and make your best swapping deal... "One man's trash is another man's treasure" is an expression that forms the basis of our activity.  Here's a chance just before the holiday(s) to swap items, food, or services for something you find appealing.  The headmaster will provide you with additional information at team time. This is a tradition of our team that has taken place for many years...and it's a chance for Caretaker Filch to get rid of the many student items he has confiscated from them throughout the fall months! This is a non-scored activity.

January Activities:  Rubeus Hagrid's Wintertime Scavenger Hunt.  This is a month-long challenge that asks house members to locate hard-to-find items in nature outside of school and bring them in for house credits.  Additionally, during this month, when you go snow-shoeing with Professor McQuade, there will be keys hidden, (but in sight,) along the trail waiting to be found.  Find any of these, and your house picks up valuable points! You are reminded that if you look for scavenger hunt items at home, you are required to have an adult with you.  Going into the forest alone is ill-advised. This activity is for house points.

February Activity: Caretaker Argus Filch's National Trust Auction: It's very expensive to maintain all the buildings at Hogwarts School. The Muggle world has been gracious enough to place all the buildings under the protection of the National Trust to maintain them - provided that once a year a buildings "auction" is conducted to defray the cost of this upkeep. Houses will start with an equal number of knuts, galleons and sickles. They'll then bid on ceremonial "possession" to the deeds. After the auction concludes, the house with the greatest number of properties is the winner. This activity is for house points.

March Activity: Whomping Willow's Marauders Map Challenge - Use a code wheel to unlock a secret message while moving around a Marauders Map to find clues. This challenge is worth 25 points and will require all members of the house to contribute to succeed!

April Activity: TBD

May Activity: -  Nearly Headless-Nick's "Take that...Bloody Baron!" Rounders Game  - On a sunny afternoon (please let there be a sunny afternoon!) we'll go outside and learn how to play Rounders.  Can't wait to know how to play? Here's a website URL that tells about the game: You'll have to cut and paste it into your browser.  https://www.roundersengland.co.uk/play/rounders-rules/

This activity will be for house points.

June Activity: Oliver Wood's Lightning Quidditch Tournament:  This form of quidditch uses a modified field and team size.  You will be guaranteed to have lots of fun, but also be V-E-R-Y tired after.  Your professors will provide popsicles or frozen pop-sticks following your matches. Huzzah! AND there's the added bonus of the really fake plastic gold medals on an equally cheap ribbon for all first-place winners! This activity can only happen if larger groups can assemble. TBD This activity is for house points.

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Rocks in the woods

Cornish Blue Pixie Village

Foliage season is the perfect time to create a pixie village in the woods. The smell of fall leaves, the crunch,crunch,crunch of those leaves underfoot, and the comradery of house members working together to achieve a goal make this a fun challenge.  

 The success of this challenge depends, in part, in planning on materials gathered beforehand.  Forest materials are the only category allowed for our project.  A partial list might include:

common feathers, moss from rocks, bark found on floor of forest, leaves, ferns, gravel, sand, sticks of various lengths and thicknesses, cat-tails, milkweed pods, shells, reed grasses.

A second element to success in imagination. Searching the web for ideas beforehand is allowed. Think outside the box in coming up with ideas.

A third element to succeed is teamwork.  House meetings leading up to our building day can go a long way toward having everyone staged and ready for the big day.