House Anthems - Lyrics

Bern House Anthem - Sung to the tune of (My Country 'Tis of Thee and God Save the Queen)

*Bern Is my Hogwarts land,

Red - Gold House Shield commands -

To thee we sing!

 *House of the bruin bear,

victorious everywhere...

others know that we ARE there!

Bern - Will - Be - King!

Gryffin House Anthem - (Sung to the song of Oh, Canada!)

*Oh, Gryffin House, our home in Hogwarts Land,

True Hogwarts love, of all the four house bands."

*...with glowing hearts, we see thee fly,

the green and golden wings.

From far and wide, O-Gryffin House,

we stand to work for thee!

*Challenges are ours, best in all the land,

Oh-Gryffin House, the cup is in our hands!

Oh-Gryffin House, the cup is IN - OUR - HANDS!

Ramsay House Anthem - (Sung to the song of This Land is Your Land!)

*Our house is Ramsay,

and we are united...

of all the houses,

we stay excited!

*With our talons open,

and our wings requited...

Ramsay will always be supreme!

Tudour House Anthem - (Sung to the song of Yankee Doodle)

*Tudour House holds up the crown,

Is first among our Hogwarts,

lion's roar and tail ablaze...

do make us tops in all sport.

*Tudour House receives all praise,

with challenges partaken,

When the cup is handed out...

It's in our hands it's placed in!

Harry Potter text