kurt sherman

Kurt Sherman

Grade 5/6 Math & Science
878-5932 ext.7796

My teaching career has been entirely at Westford School. During that time, my wife and I raised three daughters (two of whom are teachers themselves now.)  I also own Two Black Sheep Farm in South Hero growing/marketing organic vegetables.  Other passions include space sciences, rocket and model making, old films, carpentry, and British culture.

The Culture of Westford Hogwarts in Student Life

Now in its eighteenth year of use, a Hogwarts School theme is a popular genre encompassing many aspects of middle school life. Students are placed in one of four houses as a "first year." Regular activities, challenges, and an occasional mystery are presented to students as they combine academic and social curricular events throughout the year. Ms. Becca and I hope to have a return of the  "grand "walk of the second years" taking place as students graduate into the junior high team. Along the way, students have lots of fun and excitement. This happens whilst practicing cooperative group skills.

Fifth and Sixth Grade Science 

Fifth and sixth grades are exciting times for students. The two years in the Hogwarts Team represent a passage from elementary to middle school.  As a science and math teacher, I try to bring a passion for topics to students by using constructivist theory, process skills, and the use of the scientific method.  This is done by using a project-based model with Next-Gen Science Standards as a template for study.  Students collaborate in teams working on standards acquisition.  

Fifth and Sixth  Grade Maths

Grade 5 will be starting a new math program titled, Open Up Resource Math 5. During this year, multiplicative reasoning moves toward proportional reasoning. Time is spent making sure that foundational skills (such as math facts fluency) are established and maintained by students. Our math classes will have additional time to cultivate skills using a W.I.N. period each day (What I Need) where a variety of strategies are used to further skills. These include pre-teaching, electronic skills development (IXL) as well as individual and small group instruction on work suggesting further practice.

The sixth-grade curriculum also uses Open UpResource Math, a program that uses a workshop model to learn and practice entry-level skills with proportional reasoning. The system has an appealing project component at the end of each unit. For example, in geometry, students research, design and build a model of a tent based on tents on the market.