Jamie Caron

The Vermont Association for Middle Level Education (VAMLE) Executive Board solicits nominees annually for its Master in the Middle Award. This award is given to an educator with at least 10 years of experience who exemplifies several criteria of effective pedagogical practices and develops meaningful relationships with students at the middle level. Criteria include demonstrating a passion for teaching young adolescents; leadership responsibilities; student voice in curricular decisions; advocate for racial and social justice and equity; and a digital presence. 

Jamie Caron, a mathematics teacher at Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School is recognized to receive the Master in the Middle Award. Caron was nominated by colleague, Ellen Emery, who describes him in this way: 

"Jamie mentored a sixth-grade teaching candidate during the spring and modeled systems, routines, and procedures to support his candidate's practice. Mr. Caron proactively scheduled observations with colleagues of his and other schools to study their practices and learn from them.

He empowers students in his mathematics classroom. Students manage instructional time, a folder system, student dismissal, and the materials they use". According to Ellen, Jamie uses constructivist instructional processes with students as they use discovery to learn more abstract principles. Ellen describes Jamie as "a true reflective practitioner worthy of recognition".

VAMLE Board Members are pleased to recognize Mr. Jamie Caron for this award based on his passion for effective middle-level school teaching and specific attention to mentoring a novice educator!