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Child Nutrition
For Staff (Connector)
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Essex Westford School District
Child Nutrition
For Staff (Connector)
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Our District
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Our District
About Us
Superintendent Beth Cobb
History of the EWSD
District Operations
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EWSD Budget
Facilities Master Planning
Purchasing & Bids
Finance & Accounting
Merger Promise
Facilities & District Safety
Skating Facility
Records Request
What We Do
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What We Do
Effective Instruction
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Instructional Strategic Plan: Continuous Improvement Planning
Professional Learning Communities, Response to Intervention, and Proficiency-based Learning and Graduation Requirements
Multilingual Learner Program
Title I Programs
New Teacher Mentoring
Personalized Learning Plans
Equity & Inclusion
Student Support Services
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Special Education
School Counseling
Section 504
Social & Emotional Learning
Wellness and Nutrition
For Families
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For Families
Child Nutrition
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New Student Enrollment
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English Language Learner (ELL) Program
Pre-K in EWSD
Kindergarten in EWSD
Documentation Requirements
Changing Schools and Moving In-District
School Choice
EWSD Family Newsletters
District Handbook
Parent Organizations
Annual Student Update
PowerSchool Parent Portal
School Board
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School Board
School Board
Board Meetings
Superintendent Search
EWSD Policies and Procedures
School Board Newsletter
Portrait of a Graduate
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EWSD Careers
New Hire Resources
Employee Resources
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PowerSchool FAQs
Questions about PowerSchool?
Q. What is PowerSchool?
Q. What is the PowerSchool Portal?
Q. What can I see on PowerSchool Portal site?
Q. Whom should I contact if I have a question?
Q. What do I do if I forgot my login information or I feel my account has been compromised?
Q. Can I print what I see?
Q. Do I need to logout of PowerSchool Portal?
Q. I am not getting emails from PowerSchool. How come?
Q. I replied to the PowerSchool auto-email with a question, but have not received a response. Why?
Q. When I click on the teacher’s name to email the teacher, my email program doesn’t work correctly or does not open.
Q. I can’t login to the parent or student portal. I put in my username and password and click submit. After clicking submit, the page reloads to a blank username and password line and does not login. Help?
Logging In
Q. How does one log into a PowerSchool Portal?
Q. How does one get a PowerSchool Portal username and password?
Q. Do I need a separate login for each of my children?
Q. How many times can I log in incorrectly?
Q. I try to log on to the site, but I keep getting an error message “login has expired” or “cannot access site”. What is wrong?
Q. When I go to the log on page, the password fills in with dots all the way across. Why?
Q. When can I access the PowerSchool Portal?
Q. Is this system secure?
Q. Can other people see my child’s grades?
Q. Can I access the PowerSchool Portal from anywhere?
Q. My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced or we want our own logins; can we get another parent username and password for our child’s account?
Q. Do I need a new username and password each year if my child is returning?
Q. What if I do not have a computer at home or do not have access to the Internet?
Q. What kind of computer equipment do I need to view PowerSchool Portal?
Q. Do all teachers post grade and attendance information to the PowerSchool Portal server?
Q. How often can we expect grades to be updated?
Q. I know that teachers sometimes weight different categories of grades. How does this affect how a grade is calculated?
Q. How often can we expect attendance to be updated?
Q. Why are the grades changing dramatically in the beginning of a term?
Q. How quickly and often can I expect a teacher to respond to my emails?
Q. What do I do if I am unable to connect to the PowerSchool Portal?
Q. Whom should I call if I have a question?
Q. Do students and parents see the same screens/comments?
Q. Why does it take a long time for PowerSchool to load in my web browser?