*All students are required to be signed up by families in order to use District-provided bus routes. Sign-ups will take place this year in PowerSchool.
Bus Routes
To schedule Specialized Service transportation, please contact your child’s Case Manager.
For assistance, please contact:
Bus more than 15 minutes late
Emergency Contact
Lost & found
EWSD Transportation (all buses)
Phone: (802) 857-7077
Send us Email
STA/Mountain Transit Essex Garage
(Generalized Service buses only)
Phone: (802) 662-4544
Generalized Service bus questions
Compliments or Concerns
EWSD Transportation Team:
Hunter Eddy (Director of Transportation)
Mike Frisbie (EWSD Lead & Special Services Coordinator)
Jason Gump (EWSD Transportation Office Coordinator)
Transportation News
No registration is required for the use of GMT’s public transit system. The transportation department staff will email families with the route, stop, and time details when students have been added to a bus route. Students who are signed up before August 9 will be guaranteed to be assigned to a bus route for the first day of school.
Sign-ups occurring later in the school year are added to routes in the order they are received. Families may add or change student transportation sign-ups at any time during the year using the same form. Every effort will be made to finalize transportation and communicate with families in a timely manner based on the demands of the department.
Bus Safety Reminder
The Essex Westford School District (EWSD) is committed to ensuring that every student riding an EWSD bus or vehicle experiences a safe and supportive environment.
EWSD's goal is for students and staff to maintain a safe, civil, and positive learning environment through a system of support and management practices. These practices are supported by consistent, transparent, and equitable benefits and consequences that students know and understand. Furthermore, EWSD recognizes that a school bus or district vehicle is an extension of the school and requires support and interventions for some of our students who are yet to show the independent skills needed to meet expectations.
This protocol intends to create an environment where expectations for student behavior on buses are clear to students, staff, and families to support successful experiences on the EWSD buses and transportation services.
This document is intended as a teaching and expectation-setting tool to support a collective understanding of how we address bus-related challenging behaviors and what behaviors we seek from students to help build success. During the implementation of this protocol, it is important to know that the district may use its discretion and judgment, where such flexibility is permitted, to determine the consequences and range of appropriate support and consequences to apply in each circumstance as warranted. Student individual circumstances are considered in analyzing the best supports and application of consequences, which can, in some circumstances, include a loss of access to transportation to school. In addition to the consequences outlined here—which relate directly to transportation—additional school disciplinary action may occur for breaking district policy (e.g., vaping, threats, weapons, etc.).
Bus Safety Reminder
The Essex Westford School District takes safety seriously - especially when it comes to riding the bus, walking, biking, or driving to school. Please remember the safe areas for entering and exiting the bus, and always look before you cross the road. Please review the graphic below for the safe walking areas.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the EWSD Transportation Department directly at 802-857-7077 or via Email